Friday, 17 May 2013

McFly Memory Lane Tour

Hi readers, so last night i went to see McFly with my friend and her mum in Brighton. I can honestly say it was the most amazing night ever! We had seats on the balcony opposite the stag on the second to top row which gave us an amazing view off the stage.Mr Antastic , the host was hilarious and entertained the whole crowd with jokes and stunts whilst also introducing the acts. The first support act of the night was James Bourne, former member of busted. He played songs including Busted's "Air Hostess" and " Year 3000". He was amazing and so talented! Then came the vamps , a fresh signed band , who are really talented as well as being amazing singers! Those three acts were amazing but of course the highlight of my night was McFly. There entrance was amazing, the stage was amazing (if i get chance i will add a picture of the stage) and brightly coloured lights made it look so amazing. The set list was amazing and included all of my favourite songs of there's. Towards the end of the concert me and my friend noticed that Tom was looking directly at us and when we waved to him he waved back! of course this made us go even crazier and scream and cry! Of course the boys were going crazy onstage and cracking out some dirty jokes too. We found out that Dougie dreams about Tom being naked surrounded by bacon!There was lots of nice merch which of course i bought a lot of oops!  The boys made it so much fun , so if your thinking of going to one of there shows, GO! You will have so much fun !

thanks for reading

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